So our gym is closed, we wonder how you guys are holding. Do you miss your favorite trainers, partners, and the gym? We are dying to see you come back, but it might be challenging due to the coronavirus concerns, social distancing, and limited capacity.
During this time, we have received a massive amount of both emails and calls asking how to stay fit. It’s weird not being able to train every day and stay focused on your goals. You worry all your hard work would be gone, and that is true.
So today, We will reveal you step by step on how to train Muaythai by yourself effectively.
Stop Whining, Start Training
At your own comfy home, watching Netflix, chilling on your favorite couch, and eating unhealthy snacks all day, staying home may tempt you to skip regular training.
Muaythai is a sport that demands massive amounts of invested training time to build up your muscle strength, techniques, and fighting combo. Muscle cells generally keep their power for 7 to 14 days, and it means you have roughly 1 to 2 weeks before you start to lose any progress you made.
Not only the strength but also the techniques on how to kick, fight, and jab. Without proper training and routine, you will start forgetting little by little. To maintain all the hard work you did, learning from Online MuayThai classes, Running around your neighborhood, or Bodyweight exercises is a great start.
However, it’s a lot harder for guys to keep that same intensity, but you have to do it the best way you can to stay in shape.
New Way, New Normal
After you start getting back on track, you should focus on what your goal is. If you want to be a real fighter, you need a new routine that fits under the "New Normal." We never know how long this pandemic will affect us and how bad it is going to be.
In this time, it’s pretty much doing it from home, keeping that same regiment going. But it would be best if you had more than that to achieve your goal. The deeper you get into your Muaythai journey, the deeper you’ll realize how involved with the art of 8 limbs. Plus, It is a powerful martial art that relies on strategy and one’s experience of technique when and how to use it.
The fact is the way you fight Muaythai depends mainly on the trainers and to watch other fighters. It is not only you that changes the way to learn, but we also change the way we train. Learning and training Muaythai from online classes where they offer trainers is the best way to learn at home.
" The Internet may be your favorite way to find everything about Muaythai from Muaythai online classes to the training schedule, but you might end up wasting the whole day without learning any suitable material. Why? Not all content is quality and worth your time. You have to know where to look and know that sources are credible or not. "

It is all about you and you!
You might think about what else you need to do besides starting a routine and learning from Muaythai classes online. As you progress further in Muaythai, you’ll realize that you need the "Style" of fighting. It is a lifelong process that evolves with the teaching from your personal trainer and technical prowess, strength, and endurance.
Muaythai is an art that combines courage, humility, and warrior spirit with power, techniques, and style. The trainers will be the one who guides you with all the materials that are created only for you. Everyone has a different body size and strength.
To unleash your most significant potential in all areas, you need a special routine, style, and techniques. These qualities will no doubt help you strengthen your skills. The Mobile Application for teaching Muaythai, where they offer customized training schedules and private trainers, is highly recommended.
2020 is the year of challenges, change, and creativity to enhance your skill sets. Self-education is difficult and time-consuming, but these guides will increase your knowledge and understanding of Muaythai. Ultimately, it might be cheaper and easier to access when you have both trainers and a gym at your place. Still, more importantly, it will enable you to elevate yourself with MuayThai Skills.

Tips: A Guide For Adjusting Your MUAY THAI Routine Under New Normal
Start exercise at your place to maintain your muscle strength.
Bodyweight, Running outside, and Using Equipment at home (if you have).
Join Muaythai's online community from Reddit, Facebook Group, Instagram, or Blog.
Find top Muaythai Online Classes with Private Trainers, Special Traning Schedules, Muaythai Online Community.
Download Muaythai Mobile Application, which is specially created to connect with you and your trainers.
At Muaythai Iyarin, we invented our ultimate Muaythai mobile application that provides all the essential materials such as private trainers, online community, 100+ best fighters videos to share their techniques, and specialized training routine just for you.
For the first time, TOP TEN Thailand’s best fighters will be sharing their skills, exclusively on the Muaythai Iyarin App. Learn More about the App.