Today, Petchcharoen Gym has been under management of Sommart Khammart since 1992 after he took over the gym from the gym founder and his father, Somkid Khammart.
Devotion in training is important when it comes to pushing forth the gym to its glory. But spiritual support is also no less crucial. A mongkon and a piece of Prajiad cloth (sacred inscribed cloth) consecrated by Luangpor Boonchuay Thanthammo of Wat Wangthong Charoentham, a monastery widely revered by the people of Phetchabun, have provided Petchcharoen Gym with spiritual fortitudes throughout its long history.
“Luangpor Boonchuay is a monk who is highly respected by the citizens of Phetchabun, my family included. Out of his compassion, he made a mongkon for my gym using the cloth from his robe. We’ve been using only the mongkon he gave us. It’s a moral support for us.”
Aside from this belief, Sommart also conducts himself according to the Buddhist precepts. He believes that doing so will lead his life to a prosperous path, and good karma will protect him from all that is wicked.