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The Swedish Nakmuay Ying

Writer's picture: Muaythai IyarinMuaythai Iyarin

Sandra Godvik

When and how did you start Muaythai?

I started muaythai by coinsidence around 7years ago. I was on vacation in Thailand and it was a place near our hotel where i tried one muaythai session and I fell in love right away, so as soon as i got back to Sweden i found a gym near my home and kept training.

My first trainer in Thailand was in gym in Koh Lanta, his name was Boy and sadly he passed away a couple of years ago due to braincancer.

I dont have any special fight that is my best fight, i like all fights when its a good ”war”, so if i have to choose one fight i have to say my fight against multiple worldchampion Little Tiger when we fought in Tokyo last year for ONE warrior series. That was a fight that was a real war.

We ended up getting bonus for fight of the night and i walked home with the win.

The level of Female muaythai is getting better all the the time.

Female muaythai is really growing, especially in Thailand, its good to see that many promotions have more females on the fightcards. Of course its not equal here yet, but hopefully in the future we will be able to fight in the big stadiums (rajadamnern and Lumpinee) in Bangkok too.

I dont need to get motivation before a fight, when i get to fight i feel soo alive and happy so i am always motivated to fight. When i get motivation dip is when i have injurys that limit me, but then i try to think about the moment when i Will get to fight again and that keeps me going.

Which content on our App you like the most?

I like the interviews with the fighters the most out of the content in your app.

Smilla Sundell

When and how did you start Muaythai?

I started with Muay Thai four years ago when my family moved to Thailand.

I started at Yodyut Muay Thai in Koh Samui and I started to work with Chat. I must say it was against Sawsing Sor Sopit at Super Champ in November was a hard fight.

The females are coming strong now, it a lot of great fighters out there. And it’s really nice to see here in Thailand there are mora female fights now on tv shows and some of the fights are now main events.

I just go up and I fight til the referee pulls up my arm. I know I’m strong and I will win!

Which content on our App you like the most?

I would say the news, I like to read about others who fight and what’s coming for everyone.

Teresa Wintermyr

When and how did you start Muaythai?

I started muay thai in 2007. I had been training Kickboxing for a few months in my hometown Stockholm and I came across an article in a fighter’s magazine, the female journalist who wrote it was a muay thai “fanatic” and the article was about her spending several months training in a muay thai camp in the north of Thailand.

I had never heard about this before and I was blown away by her description of the lifestyle there how she trained in a real authentic camp and eventually fought in the local stadium. I planned my next holiday and booked my trip in November of 2007. I went alone and spent the month in the same gym she had mentioned in her article. There was a few foreign guys training there as well. Only a couple of days into my trip, I was hooked. I became OBSESSED with muay thai (training and fighting in Thailand), I had my first fight at the end of that month and when I landed in the airport in Sweden, I was a changed person. My life from that point on was all about how I could go back and spend more time in Thailand doing muay thai. I went back for six months during 2008 but it was not enough for me. I worked, saved money, quit my job and sold some of my stuff and went back to Thailand in December 2008 and I have been here since.

My first gym was True Bee gym in Pai (northern Thailand). The owner Bee and his brother Ae and his cousin and another friend of theirs were all my first trainers.

My favourite fight, I have several depending how I look at it. But all over, I think it must be my first big fight for Sinbi muay thai, with a big side bet of 70,000 which was not that common for foreigners or female fighters back then, in 2011. It was at their own promotion (Sinbi fight night) and a high stake fight agains a former friend and training partner of mine and it was a competition also between our gyms and gym bosses.

The atmosphere was just electric and the gambling was crazy. There were so many people investing in that fight, from both sides. There was money, pride and reputation on the line and it was so charged by all this emotion. I won that fight and later also challanged the same girl for her WMC title and won that too. She had been talking a lot of shit and bragging about how she was gonna knock me out so easily so it was fun to fight and beat her twice with so much on the line from both sides.

I used to think most female fights were messy in comparison to the male fights, but keep in mind when I started out, female fights hadn’t been around for that long and was still rare in comparison with today. Nowadays female fighters fight with the same skill as our male counterparts and I am proud of the level we have achieved.

I make sure that I have done everything I can to prepare myself physically, practically and mentally. But the most important thing to have in a fight is heart, and I find that it’s something that is either there or it’s not. It’s not something you can plan or force.

Which content on our App you like the most?

My favorite content on Iyarin App are the fight analysis, and the explanation of Thai words and muay thai terms and concepts such as the gambling etc. A lot of people don’t know about these things and it’s important to educate on such subjects as it’s all big parts of Muay Thai.

Vanessa Romanowski

When and how did you start Muaythai?

I started Muay Thai 6 years ago in Thailand when i saw a girl in my age fight. Then i fell in love with the sport.

My first trainer name is Kru On at Rawai Muay Thai.

My best fight was in Khao Lak Boxing stadium january 2020 and the promoter was Mr Tuk Pricha Chokkuea.

I think that the female fight World needs to grow more becuase the sport is very dominated by men.

Before fight I get motivated by positive thoughts and my team that always supports me.

Which content on our App you like the most?

The thing I like with your app is that it doesn’t matter if you are a pro or beginner you can learn new skills and also do training from home. It’s easy to understand the app and I think that everyone can use it.

Sofia Olofsson

When and how did you start Muaythai?

I started working at a gym that had Muaythai also. And then everyone told me to try it and after that I started to train. I think it was around 2007.

My first Thai trainer was Lex and it was at a gym called Slagskeppet.

One of my best fight was when I defended my WMC belt against Iman Barlow at the Rumbel of the kings gala. She is much more experienced then me so that was a great win and one of my favourite once.

I think female Muaythai fighters are one of the best in the world. Female fighters are strong and I think female fighters should be shown more around the world because there are awesome fighters.

it can be hard sometimes to find the motivation before fight when you train hard and a lot everyday, but I always thinks about the end result. It is the best feeling to win and that is what I think about before my fights and keeps me going forward.



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